March 1 (Saturday): Art in the Garden (Fort Lauderdale)

The Food Forest at Snyder Park 
3299 SW 4th Ave., Fort Lauderdale

Learn about local edible plants at a food forest!

Activities include:

* tour of a permaculture demonstration garden, butterfly garden and food forest by artist Kim Heise

* a coloring/drawing station with free coloring pages created by artists Kim Heise and Stephanie McMillan

* display walls where participants can share coloring and drawings, recipes, information and messages about locally grown fruits and vegetables

* “Nature Treasure Hunt” games — win some cute stickers!

Free park admission and parking.

Made possible with support from the Broward County Cultural Division
Support has been provided by the following Funds at the Community Foundation of Broward:
Helen and Frank Stoykov Charitable Endowment Fund
Mary and Alex Mackenzie Community Impact Fund

For more information, see

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